Profile image
Craig Bangert

Recent Activity

donated 2021-06-01 09:28:59 -0600

rsvped for Cap Chat Chronicles: Upland Hunting with RGS 2021-03-02 14:05:57 -0700

rsvped for BHA Georgia Bear Hunting Virtual Pint Night 2021-02-06 15:30:28 -0700

rsvped +1 for 2021 Winter Extravaganza 2021-01-13 17:56:53 -0700

signed Boggs Mountain Land Sale Petition 2020-12-15 17:11:07 -0700

answered 2020-06-25 20:04:22 -0600
Q: Any additional thoughts?
A: Where should I stay in Montana for next years rendezvous?

answered 2020-06-25 20:03:37 -0600
Q: Was the pricing structure fair?
A: Absolutely. Raise it

answered 2020-06-25 20:03:22 -0600
Q: Do you think Rendezvous in Missoula next year should have virtual/online components?
A: Partky

answered 2020-06-25 20:03:06 -0600
Q: Would you like to see more events like this going forward?
A: No

answered 2020-06-25 20:02:58 -0600
Q: Did you participate in the online auction?
A: No

answered 2020-06-25 20:02:46 -0600
Q: Did you participate in the sweepstakes?
A: Yes

answered 2020-06-25 20:02:35 -0600
Q: Did you watch events after they were live?
A: Repeating after watching live. Yes

answered 2020-06-25 20:02:13 -0600
Q: Did the start time work for you?
A: Yes

answered 2020-06-25 20:02:04 -0600
Q: Did live streaming work for you?
A: For the circumstances

answered 2020-06-25 20:01:34 -0600
Q: What did you think of the platform (Crowdcast) on which we hosted Virtual Rendezvous?
A: It was the best option

answered 2020-06-25 20:01:14 -0600
Q: What would you like to see less of?
A: Hula hoops in the world

answered 2020-06-25 20:00:29 -0600
Q: What would you like to see more of?
A: In person conversation and beers

answered 2020-06-25 20:00:10 -0600
Q: Rate overall Virtual Rendezvous
A: 8

answered 2020-06-25 19:59:57 -0600
Q: Rate the Stubblefield vs. the field challenge.
A: 5

About Craig

donations_raised_amount_format: $35.02

donations_raised_amount_in_cents: 3502

donations_raised_amount_this_cycle_format: $0.00

donations_raised_amount_this_cycle: 0


election_at | days_until: Liquid error: Internal error

election_at | seconds_until: Liquid error: Internal error




donations raised (array):




Athens, GA
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