Backcountry Beat, September 2023
Friend —
After hard lobbying by our staff on the Hill, school-based hunter's education and the National Archery in the Schools Program are protected once more.
BHA has consistently shared our frustration with the Department of Education’s interpretation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, passed last year, which has prohibited funds for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act from being used for “training in the use of a dangerous weapon.” But essentially, some schools were withholding funding for the National Archery in the Schools Program and hunter education programs.
BHA took a leading role in working with legislators in Congress and partners in the hunting and shooting sports communities, with encouragement from the Department of Education, to ensure a swift and decisive legislative solution to clarify the law and return funding to these programs.
The first week after August recess, the House Education and Workforce Committee unanimously voted to advance an amended version of the Protecting Hunting Heritage and Education Act (H.R. 5110) led by Rep. Mark Green (R-TN). Within two weeks, the full House passed the bill 424-1. The Senate passed the bill under unanimous consent on Sept. 27. It now moves to the desk of the president, who has committed to signing it.
BHA is committed to building the next generation of conservation leaders, and the fact that this bill was introduced and passed into law within 10 legislative days is a testament to its importance and our community's work in Congress.
We thank the sponsors on behalf of the four bills that were introduced in the Senate to address this issue: S. 2735 led by Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), S. 2736 led by Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), S. 2802 led by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), and S. 2828 led by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) - as well as Rep. Green for championing this priority.
Read more in BHA’s blog.
We have some important policy updates for you, and some information about how the government shutdown could impact conservation.
Policy, stewardship, and conservation work are all part of our chapters' work this past month!
Don’t miss out on our BIGGEST giveaway of the year from 9/18 to 10/17! Score over $35,000 worth of jaw-dropping prizes, including the epic Grand Prize: a fully rigged G&H Special Edition Hog Island Skiff!...
The fall 2023 issue of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers’ quarterly magazine, Backcountry Journal, is arriving in mailboxes across North America as hunters head into the woods for our favorite time of year.
We're a diverse coalition of sportsmen and women who have hunted and fished for decades and are united by a passion to safeguard the public lands and waters that support our hunting and angling traditions...
From the BHA Podcast
Dave Simonett of Trampled by Turtles is a Minnesota fisherman, hunter and dog man, a former roofer, and one of America’s most profound songwriters and hardest-touring musicians. Hal and Dave spent a morning fishing Montana’s...
Coho salmon habitat, wetlands conservation, the removal of abandoned fences that kill hundreds of migrating mule deer, pronghorn and elk every year. Marine Corps helicopters and bighorn sheep, fish counts, bowfishing for alligator gar, restoring...
Corporate Partner
We couldn't have put together these incredible sweepstakes packages for conservation without the help of these awesome partners!
Member of the Month
Thanks for all your hard work, Jake!
Chapter of the Month
The Washington Chapter recently sponsored 100 multi-season deer tags in coordination with the Washington Department of Fish (WDFW) and Wildlife in an effort to combat the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) among ungulates in...
Upcoming Events
The Woods of North Carolina,
Capitol Rotunda, Helena, MT
Natural State Beer Company , Rogers , AR
Doc’s Watering Hole, Sierra Vista, AZ
Drop Bear Brewery, Eugene, OR
Indiana State Fairgrounds , Indianapolis, IN
Black Circle Brewing , Indianapolis, IN
4 by 4 Brewing Co. - Fremont Hills, Nixa, MO
Double Shovel Cider Company, Kodiak, AK
Ivory Jack's, Fairbanks, AK