EVENT RECAP: South Dakota BHA Participates in the Pierre-Fort Pierre Missouri River Cleanup


The South Dakota chapter of BHA partnered with the Izaak Walton League, SD Game, Fish and Parks, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Army Corps of Engineers, and the cities of Pierre and Fort Pierre in the Pierre-Fort Pierre Missouri River Cleanup on July 12. 85 volunteers showed up and collected a total of 2,830 pounds of trash! The cleanup was done with 8 boats, both agency and private, and many land-based crews.



This year's total was down from last year's record haul of 4.14 tons, which is step in the right direction. The cleanup makes the river healthier for fish and wildlife and a more pleasing place for people to recreate.

This was the 13th cleanup in the Pierre-Fort Pierre area since 2009. Over 28 tons of litter, trash and other debris have been removed from areas along the river during the cleanup events.

Learn more about the South Dakota chapter!

About Paul Lepisto

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