Minnesota BHA works to cleanup the Blackhoof River WMA

The Minnesota Chapter of BHA had a successful clearing of the Blackhoof River WMA! BHA successfully worked with the DNR to clear up existing trails throughout the 4,000-acre Blackhoof River WMA, an area with a beautiful variety of mixed forests as well as sections of the scenic Blackhoof and Nemadji Rivers. 

This event was made possible by the hardwork of BHA volunteer Jake Bendel. Jake describes his reasoning behind this event: "I got a lot of questions about how I was involved in BHA and about planning the event. I'm just a regular member who wanted to do some meaningful work closer to home... Anybody can take initiative to plan something that they think is in the realm of BHA's values. Everyone was happy to participate in a service project in our neck of the woods."


Throughout the day, BHA members cleared trails of overhanging limbs and downed trees with hand saws.  Some members drove more than an hour to make it to this event! The day wrapped up after several hours hard at work with people headed back down to the river with rods in hand. This was a great opportunity to give back to our great public lands in northern Minnesota as well as spend some quality time outside.

Jake says that the Blackhoof River WMA clean-up is a great start, and that he "Hopes to plan more events in the northern part of the state and to grow our circle."


Thank you to Jake Bendel and all of the great BHA members who cleaned up the Blackhoof River Wilderness Management Area!


About Jordan Wolf

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