John King is the Indiana chapter secretary and has been a dedicated BHA member for nearly five years, serving on the Indiana chapter board for nearly two.
John, along with other dedicated BHA leaders, recently attended Developing Thinking Sawyers Training, hosted by the U.S. Forest Service, where he received his Level B Bucker Certification. This three-day course gave John the essential skills to put his training to work almost immediately, as Indiana was tormented by a series of severe storms. John stepped into action alongside another BHA comrade and assisted with a large cleanup effort in the Yellowwood State Forest.
This is a great example of the opportunities provided to our BHA leaders...and then our BHA leaders utilizing their skills to impact our shared spaces!
In addition to his board officer duties, John takes an active role on the Indiana BHA Events Committee, where he utilizes his exceptional skills planning and leading the Indiana team with great events!
Thanks, John, for your continued commitment to BHA and your service to our public lands and waters!