Backcountry Beat, July 2023
Friend —
Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling is one of my heroes. A cartoonist at the Iowa Register who used the power of art to bring attention to the need for conservation, Ding designed the first Duck Stamp. He was the first director of the U.S. Biological Service, the precursor to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He also formed the National Wildlife Federation, where I learned much as an employee.
The picture is his last cartoon before he died. I should have taken a picture of my office before I started cleaning it out, because we had similar styles of organization and a plethora of memories.
I ain’t dying, but in some ways leaving BHA feels like that. Today is my final day as president and CEO of BHA after a decade of enjoyable work.
I’ll look back at my tenure at BHA with great pleasure. Together we did much to reignite a conservation movement, engaging The People in policy, stewardship, education, and good clean fun…welcoming all who shared our passion…all.
I extend a huge thank you to those who gave their time, talent and treasure to this honorable endeavor. Thanks to my work here, I’ve made deep connections in so many nooks and crannies of this great continent.
The People, The People, The People. Without you there is no conservation movement. THANK YOU!
Ding is smiling…his legacy is safe!
Farewell, friends. I look forward to seeing you on the trail, on the water and definitely in the arena.
Onward and upward!
Land Tawney