HJR-5: The Right to Fish, Hunt, Harvest and Gather

Oregonians have long demonstrated a deep love for the nexus between food and nature. Hunting, fishing, gathering, and foraging, are foundational to Oregonians' cultural identity, and it is critical to the continued tradition of managing healthy landscapes and wildlife populations on behalf of every Oregonian.
In addition to the national and economic pressures affecting food security, here in Oregon, we have seen initiatives seeking to prohibit Oregonians' ability to provide for their family in the manner of their choosing - attempts that would strip Oregonians of their self-sufficiency and serve to sever the public from public wildlife and natural resources.

HJR 5 provides Oregon residents constitutional protection to their right to feed their families through fishing, hunting, harvesting, and gathering of wild and foraged foods.
What does HJR 5 do:
• Ensures that current and future generations of Oregonians have the ability to fish, hunt, harvest, and gather to sustain themselves and their families.
• Protects Oregonians from an outright ban on the ability to fish, hunt, harvest and gather.
• Protects Oregonians ability to self-sufficiently provide for their families
•Allows for the reasonable regulation of these activities through the Legislative Assembly, citizens of the State, and state agencies.
• The amendment proposed by this resolution shall be submitted to the people for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election held throughout this state.
What HJR 5 does not do:
• HJR 5 does not alter the wildlife conservation and management goals and priorities of the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. The 23 states that have a similar resolution show no change in the conservation priorities of their state fish & wildlife agencies.
• HJR 5 does not endanger private, or public, property rights; the resolution cannot be used to trespass.
• HJR 5 does not promote nor condone poaching or illegal harvest of plants or animals.

Take Action Below by:
Signing up for Public Testimony - Thursday, February 2, at 1pm in Hearing Room C.




Send a message to the House Committee in the support of HJR5. LINK HERE

About Chris Hager

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