Importance of Engagement- What can you do?

Whether you’ve been in Washington your whole life or just moved here recently now is the time. If you’ve always been immersed in the out of doors or have only recently discovered your connection with it, this is your time as well. More than even, now it is time to engage in the decision-making process for all the future opportunities this state holds.

The WDFW commission meetings are your opportunity to voice your thoughts on what matters to you, they are your direct line to provide input and help guide the future of conservation in this state. After all, if you don’t speak up who will? Imagine the impact if you take the initiative to speak up. What if you encourage others to do the same? One voice becomes many.

It is imperative that these opportunities during the meetings are used to highlight all sportsmen and women in this state. Share the good we all contribute to conservation efforts and the positive impact we have for the ecosystem. Share the heritage that our great outdoors in Washington holds. Use this time to urge the Commission to truly consider all the voices in this state, and to build a durable, sustainable conservation policy, for all stake holders.

This commission meeting in particular holds a presentation by Dr. Organ, organized by Commissioner Lemkuhl, on the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. It is the most effective model this continent and others have ever seen. Not only can you thank Commissioner Lemkuhl for scheduling the presentation, but also Dr. Organ for his efforts in developing this model and for speaking to it during the commission meeting.

Depending on your comfort level, there are many ways you can share your voice in these commission meetings. Whether that’s via email, written comments, through zoom or in person at the upcoming meeting. Please take a minute to follow the link and see what best fits your schedule to add in your voice. We are looking forward to seeing BHA members show up in strong numbers, and in a positive manner that will benefit our current generation and those to come.


Check out the following links below for additional examples of public testimony:

Game Management Plan (GMP) Commission Testimony Template 1

(GMP) Commission Testimony Template 2

(GMP) Commission Testimony Template 3

Public Testimony Template 1

Public Testimony Template 2

Public Testimony Template 3

Public Testimony Template 4

LINK to August 10 - 12, 2023 COMMISSION MEETINGS


About Amanda Wittmier

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