Cooking Seminars


Cooking Seminars will take place in the Culinary Building

Jeff Benda Cooking Venison Steaks

Jeff Benda is the founder of Wild Game & Fish Media where he works with businesses in the hunting, fishing, and shooting industries. With 25 years of past experience in the restaurant industry, he is now a full-time wild game and fish recipe developer living in Fargo, North Dakota. His goal is to celebrate local fish and wild game and provide achievable, bright recipes designed to build confidence for new cooks, and inspire everyone to elevate their cooking. 

Adam Steele and Curing Wild Game

At forty years young, Adam has split his life almost equally between the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf Coast. Cooking professionally from a young age, as well as having a deep relationship with nature set the pattern early for the adventures to come. As someone who spent a lifetime around hunters and anglers, it was only a matter of time before the two worlds melded into an unquenchable passion for food and the outdoors.

Justin Townsend and Canning Wild Game

Justin Townsend grew up hunting and fishing in Oklahoma, but began training as a chef in New Orleans during college. Since then, he's traveled the country pairing a passion for the outdoors with a culinary background to create delicious wild game recipes. Justin is also the founder and editor in chief of Harvesting Nature a website dedicated to wild game cooking.

Adam Berkelmans - Quick Skillet Taco Trick

Adam Berkelmans, also known as The Intrepid Eater, is a passionate ambassador for real food and a proponent of nose to tail eating. He spends his time between Ottawa and a cozy lake house north of Kingston, Ontario. When not cooking, he can be found hunting, fishing, foraging, gardening, reading, traveling, and discovering new ways to find and eat food.

Dispelling Wild Food Myths Panel with Hank Shaw, Justin Townsend, Shannon Waters, Adam Berkelmans, Adam Steele, Jeff Benda, and Liz Lynch



Live Podcast with the Wild Fish and Game Podcast discussing Wild Food Cook Q&A + Tips and Tricks

Join Justin Townsend and the Harvesting Nature Crew as they guide you through the world of cooking wild fish and game meat, their adventures to obtain food, and the lessons learned along the way. They are also frequently joined by some of the most influential people in the world of wild food to dive deep into food conversation to positively promote the lifestyle of harvesting, cooking, and eating wild food

Adam Steele and Curing Wild Game

At forty years young, Adam has split his life almost equally between the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf Coast. Cooking professionally from a young age, as well as having a deep relationship with nature set the pattern early for the adventures to come. As someone who spent a lifetime around hunters and anglers, it was only a matter of time before the two worlds melded into an unquenchable passion for food and the outdoors.

Making Sausage with Walton's 

Originally Founded in 1986 Waltons is dedicated to supplying the worlds best seasonings and meat processing supplies for your next wildgame meal.