Washington BHA Launching Wildfire Education Campaign

Chapter to provide education and alerts this fire season

thumbnail.jpgOut West, wildfire dominates as the greatest agent of change to our landscapes. Nearly everyone in Washington has been touched by wildfire, whether loosing a home or watching thousands of acres burn around their community, having to breath wildfire smoke drifting into downtown Seattle, or finding a hunting spot transformed from a green forest to a field of blackened sticks. The change a large wildfire brings is easy to see, but the history, ecological effects, management, and future of wildfires are nuanced and complicated.

To break down and illuminate this complex subject, the Washington Chapter of BHA is launching a wildfire education campaign on social media this summer. We’ll also ask you to watch for smoke while you’re in the backcountry, to report illegal campfires, and we’ll post reminders on how to prevent accidental fire starts.


Increasingly so, wildfires are impacting our public lands and wildlife. Stay tuned this summer to learn more about wildfire ecology and keeping our wild places healthy.


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