Texas BHA plans habitat improvement project for Panhandle pronghorn


Texas BHA is organizing a fence modification project for this Spring to improve habitat permeability and connectivity for pronghorn on the Rita Blanca National Grassland. We hope you can join us for this weekend long chapter campout that will allow our volunteers to have a lasting impact on this vital shortgrass prairie ecosystem while rubbing elbows with land managers, private landowners, and fellow BHA members around the campfire.


On Saturday and Sunday, volunteers will work alongside USFS staff to verify or raise the bottom wire of allotment fencing to allow pronghorn to more easily cross and increase their ability to access the food, water, space, and cover they need to survive.


Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of the shortgrass prairie ecosystem from knowledgeable guest speakers and there will be shared meals of wild game and stories around the campfire at night.


If you are interested in being added to our volunteer mailing list for this project please email event lead Mickey Reves at [email protected].

About Katie DeLorenzo

As BHA's Western Regional Manager Katie supports Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah and other coordinators across the west. When not working, she's exploring the Southwest with her husband, toddler and black lab, cooking wild game, and shooting her bow.

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