Texas AFI Duck dual Skills Camp
Nov 3 - Nov 6
Starting at 12pm
Red River Waterfowl
Simms, TX, TX









6 Attending

Add to Calendar:

event_title: Texas AFI Duck dual Skills Camp

event_time_zone: America/Denver

event_start: November 03, 2023 12:00

event_duration: 4320

event_end: November 06, 2023 11:00

event_address: Simms, TX, TX, United States

event_description:  Join Texas BHA AFI in a veterans duck hunt hosted by Red River Waterfowl November 4th.  Participation is limited to four participants for this event.  Please RSVP below and fill out the application in the confirmation email.  Participants should have, TX hunting license with all waterfowl stamps, shotgun suitable for waterfowl, weather appropriate clothing, and a desire to learn. YOU MUST BE A BHA AFI MEMBER TO ATTEND! membership link here:https://www.backcountryhunters.org/military_membership *If you dont have the necessary gear please email Wardell the event leader (TXAFIBackcountryhunters.org and we can get you loaner gear* Topics taught:Waterfowl biologyPublic access in TexasWaterfowl habitat management in TexasWhere to waterfowl hunt in TexasHow to call waterfowlDecoy placement strategies We hope to see you in the marsh!  

Texas AFI Duck dual Skills Camp


Join Texas BHA AFI in a veterans duck hunt hosted by Red River Waterfowl November 4th.  Participation is limited to four participants for this event.  Please RSVP below and fill out the application in the confirmation email.  Participants should have, TX hunting license with all waterfowl stamps, shotgun suitable for waterfowl, weather appropriate clothing, and a desire to learn. YOU MUST BE A BHA AFI MEMBER TO ATTEND! membership link here:



*If you don't have the necessary gear please email Wardell the event leader ([email protected] and we can get you loaner gear*


Topics taught:

Waterfowl biology

Public access in Texas

Waterfowl habitat management in Texas

Where to waterfowl hunt in Texas

How to call waterfowl

Decoy placement strategies


We hope to see you in the marsh!



November 03, 2023 at 12:00pm - November 06, 2023
Red River Waterfowl
Simms, TX, TX
United States
Google map and directions
Wardell bennett ·
Derek Schwanke Stephen Stuart Weldon Weber Jesus Romero Brandon Sanders

Who's RSVPing

Derek Schwanke
Stephen Stuart
Weldon Weber
Jesus Romero
Brandon Sanders

Will you come?