On Feb. 22, BHA members joined in a pro-public lands rally in Reno in response to presidential candidates’ cries to seize public lands and transfer them to state control. BHA members were among nearly 100 people to cry, “Keep public lands in public hands!”
We spearheaded discussions within county and state wildlife commissions to consider legislative prohibitions on drones and computerized trigger mechanisms for hunting purposes. We also took a stance limiting, if not banning, the use of trail cameras for hunting purposes.
NV board members, in keeping with the National Environmental Policy Act, comment on projects of concern. We follow the Sagebrush Ecosystem Council, the OHV Commission, the State Legislature Public Lands Committee and, of course, our Wildlife Commission.
We’ve collaborated with the Coalition for Nevada Wildlife to create a team of scientists to facilitate actions to conserve and restore habitat as directed in the sage grouse environmental impact study. Protecting this habitat for the good of all species will keep the grouse from being listed and sustain use of public lands by sportsmen, recreationists and ranchers.
We continue our work with on the Pershing County Lands Bill proposal, a Nevada-born model that designates wilderness and transfers public land parcels.
NV BHA has convened a coalition including the Nevada Outfitters and Guides Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Back Country Horsemen and Friends of Nevada Wilderness to address motorized trespass in wilderness. Our strategy tackles barrier projects, education and enforcement.
We have lots of fun events planned, so check your chapter newsletter for details and join the outdoor adventures!
– Shannon Scott