LETTER: Montana BHA Comments on 2021 Fish Removal Projects

June 3rd, 2021 

Dear FWP Commission – 

The Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is a grassroot conservation organization with approximately 3,000 due-paying members across the state of Montana. We are writing to voice our support for all of the proposed projects that support the future success of our native cold-water fisheries. 

Montana is well known for the abundance of our wild and native trout. But as the temperature of Montana’s rivers, streams and tributary waters continues to rise, the long-term success is diminishing for fish like our Bull, Westslope and Yellowstone Cutthroat trout. The success of these fish not only depend on cold and clean water, but keeping their aquatic counterpart numbers in check. All of the projects slated to go back through FWP’s commission approval process have already been through Environmental Assessment which we believe is reason to grant approval yet again. 

In our opinion, this is no time to put these projects on hold opposed to finding ways to cultivate success in our waterways. 

Our fisheries simply set us apart from most other states’ fisheries. An estimated revenue from fishing in Montana is $907 million dollars a year. It’s apparent that people travel near and far to fish our fabled trout. Our hope is they will always be a priority to protect. 


Scott Mylnechuk, Missoula Valley Board Member 

Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers 

About Scott Mylnechuk

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