Lejeune AFI Deer Hunting and Archery 101
August 19
Starting at 8am
MCB Camp Lejeune CLEO Class Room
Midway Park, NC









7 Attending

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event_title: Lejeune AFI Deer Hunting and Archery 101

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: August 19, 2023 08:00

event_duration: 540

event_end: August 19, 2023 17:00

event_address: 400 Old Saw Mill Rd, Midway Park, NC 28544, United States

event_description: Come learn about deer hunting and archery with the Camp Lejeune AFI Club! Mark your calendars, Saturday, August 19th, 2023, Camp Lejeune Armed Forces Initiative Club of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission will be holding the 3rd Annual Deer Hunting 101 and Introduction to Archery class. The target audience for these classes is new, inexperienced, and prospective hunters that have access to hunt Marine Corps Installations East here in eastern North Carolina. This will be a dual skills event co-sponsored by North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Getting Started Outdoors program. New hunters will be introduced to all aspects of hunting, regulation, biology, tracking, and tactics. Archery skills will be taught and demonstrated by Mike Figgins from Ironman Outdoors. Basics of hunting safety and hunting in North Carolina will be covered by Deet James. Deer Biology will be covered by Emily Gaydos, MCB CL Wildlife Biologist. Regulation will be taught by NCWRC Game Wardens and recovery will taught by Marty Bartram, North Carolina Armed Forces Initiative State Liaison. Stand types and usage demonstrations will be provided by Lejeune AFI leadership. Ironman Outdoors Ministries is graciously providing all archery equipment, targets, and instruction.  Snacks and water will also be available for attendees. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing to go hiking (scouting), bring extra water, pack a lunch and dont forget insect repellent. Please contact Walter "Deet" James, walter.jamesncwildlife.org, if you plan on attending in addition to filling out the RSVP information below.   What: Lejeune AFI and NCWRC GSO’s Deer Hunting 101 and Intro to Archery.When: Saturday, August 19th, 2023. From 0800-1700Where: MCB CL Game Wardens Classroom, 400 Old Saw Mill Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC.Who: For all active duty, guard, dependents, retirees, and civil service that have an interest in hunting White-tailed deer in the Camp Lejeune area. Ages 12 and up.Why: To introduce archery and deer hunting fundamentals to new and prospective hunters while simultaneously promoting our access and use of our public lands. We look forward to seeing you there!  

Lejeune AFI Deer Hunting and Archery 101

Come learn about deer hunting and archery with the Camp Lejeune AFI Club!


Mark your calendars, Saturday, August 19th, 2023, Camp Lejeune Armed Forces Initiative Club of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission will be holding the 3rd Annual Deer Hunting 101 and Introduction to Archery class. The target audience for these classes is new, inexperienced, and prospective hunters that have access to hunt Marine Corps Installations East here in eastern North Carolina. This will be a dual skills event co-sponsored by North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Getting Started Outdoors program. New hunters will be introduced to all aspects of hunting, regulation, biology, tracking, and tactics.


Archery skills will be taught and demonstrated by Mike Figgins from Ironman Outdoors. Basics of hunting safety and hunting in North Carolina will be covered by Deet James. Deer Biology will be covered by Emily Gaydos, MCB CL Wildlife Biologist. Regulation will be taught by NCWRC Game Wardens and recovery will taught by Marty Bartram, North Carolina Armed Forces Initiative State Liaison. Stand types and usage demonstrations will be provided by Lejeune AFI leadership.


Ironman Outdoors Ministries is graciously providing all archery equipment, targets, and instruction.  Snacks and water will also be available for attendees.


Be sure to wear comfortable clothing to go hiking (scouting), bring extra water, pack a lunch and don't forget insect repellent.


Please contact Walter "Deet" James, [email protected], if you plan on attending in addition to filling out the RSVP information below.  


What: Lejeune AFI and NCWRC GSO’s Deer Hunting 101 and Intro to Archery.

When: Saturday, August 19th, 2023. From 0800-1700

Where: MCB CL Game Wardens Classroom, 400 Old Saw Mill Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC.

Who: For all active duty, guard, dependents, retirees, and civil service that have an interest in hunting White-tailed deer in the Camp Lejeune area. Ages 12 and up.

Why: To introduce archery and deer hunting fundamentals to new and prospective hunters while simultaneously promoting our access and use of our public lands.


We look forward to seeing you there!



August 19, 2023 at 8:00am - 5pm
MCB Camp Lejeune CLEO Class Room
400 Old Saw Mill Rd
Midway Park, NC 28544
United States
Google map and directions
Carey Hamil ·
Estevan Hincapie Vincent Malizia W. E. Biddle Nathaniel Cook Dana Onifer

Who's RSVPing

Estevan Hincapie
Vincent Malizia
W. E. Biddle
Nathaniel Cook
Dana Onifer

Will you come?