September is National Clean-up month and National Public Lands month, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is excited to announce details for the 2023 Laramie Plains Lakes cleanup day. All community members are encouraged to volunteer their time by cleaning up windblown trash, litter, debris, left behind fishing line, etc. on September 30, 2023.
All participants will meet at the Wyoming Game & Fish Laramie Regional Office at 1212 South Adams, Laramie, WY 82070 at 8AM. The goal is split up into smaller teams to clean up the following areas: Alsop Lake, Lake Hattie, Laramie River – Monolith Ranch, Leazenby Lake, Meeboer Lake, Gelatt Lake, Sodergreen Lake, Twin Buttes Lake, and Woods Landing Public Access Areas. If we have enough volunteers the following areas will be added to the list: Diamond Lake, Jelm WHMA, Forbes/Sheep Mountain WHMA, Little Laramie River state section (Millbrook Rd.), Pilot Hill.
The Department will supply trash bags, and staff will collect the removed litter. Some hand tools and first aid kits will be at each location in department trucks. Volunteers should bring their own snacks, lunch, and water, as well as gloves, appropriate clothing for the weather, and bug spray/sunscreen. Volunteers will also need to provide their own transportation to the clean-up sites.
Come join some of our Wyoming Chapter leadership as we clean-up and improve our public lands while enjoying the comradery of fellow conservationists. We look forward to seeing you out there!