On June 3, 2023, several Kentucky BHA members joined up with some professional Buckhorn Lake Park Rangers from the US Army Corps of Engineers at Buckhorn Lake to create some much-needed fish habitat structures. In June of 2022, historic floods devastated this area of Kentucky destroying or severely altering much of the habitat. The USACE welcomed the assistance of the KY BHA Chapter to help recreate some of that lost habitat. Through sweat, smiles, and laughter, the volunteers along with the USACE representatives utilized pallets to created triangle structures and filled with donated Christmas trees to create over 25 stable fish structures. These vital habitat builds will assist the numerous fish species that frequent the waters of this wonderful public fishery. The following week, Kentucky Fish & Wildlife joined in on the fun and strategically placed all these fish structures around Buckhorn Lake!
Buckhorn Lake is a 1,200 lake located in southeast Kentucky surrounded by beautiful large rolling hills that are certainly the foothills of the Appalachian range. Buckhorn Lake is part of one of Kentucky’s wonderful state park lands and caters to numerous local and regional visitors throughout the year as it flies under the radar as one of the best muskie fishing lakes in the state! Adjacent to large sections of the Daniel Boone National Forest, this area of Kentucky offers numerous recreational opportunities for nearly all outdoor pursuits!
The KY Chapter plans to coordinate future events with the US Army Corp of Engineers staff to continue providing excellent opportunities on some fine Kentucky public lands. It’s vitally important that we combine our assets and efforts to continually enhance the experiences of outdoor users! Partnerships such as this are what is required to fully impact conservation not only around Kentucky, but around North America!
Be sure to follow the Kentucky BHA social pages on both Facebook and Instagram, or check out the events on the KY Chapter page of the BHA website by clicking HERE.