Kansas BHA hosts Public Land Pack Outs Statewide


In Support of Public Lands Month the Kansas Chapter of BHA has organized a number of Public Land Pack-Outs across the state. Thanks to the generous support of local sponsors, each bag of trash collected represents a $10 donation to the local chapter. Please join us as we clean up Kansas's wild places and raise money to make a difference in the years to come.


PLPO!.jpegFor event dates, locations, and times please see the links below.

Clinton Lake PLPO Sept 25th 8:30-12:30


Pamona Lake PLPO Sept 25th 8:30-12:30


Hillsdale Lake PLPO Sept 25th 8:30-12:30


Cheney Lake PLPO Sept 25h 8:30-12:30


Eudora/KS River Tire Packout Sept 26th 8:30-12:30







Thanks to our generous sponsors for their support of the Kansas Chapter of BHA

and Wild Lands, Waters and Wildlife!






About Chris Hennessey

Eastern Field Director for BHA. Working with chapter leaders and members to conserve and protect access to our public lands and waters. Mainly a Keystone State hunter and angler, but loves having public land everywhere he goes.

See other posts related to Kansas Events