Jersey Hill State Forest Habitat Workday
May 15
Starting at 12:30pm
NYDEC West Almond Forestry Office
Almond, NY









6 Attending

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event_title: Jersey Hill State Forest Habitat Workday

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: May 15, 2021 12:30

event_duration: 180

event_end: May 15, 2021 15:30

event_address: 2524 County Route 2A , Almond, NY 01480, United States

event_description: Join the New York Chapter of BHA and New York DEC to improve wildlife habitat on a recent timber harvest in the Jersey Hill State Forest. BHA members will be working with the DEC Lands and Forests Division to create brush piles, plant seedlings and create brush cages to protect seedlings from deer browse. To attend, volunteers must RSBP on this page and fill out the linked volunteer form and provide a copy of their ID. Please submit volunteer forms to by May 1st.If volunteers would like to use chainsaws for habitat improvement, they must provide a copy of their GOL certification and a copy of their up to date first aid certification.Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own hand tools, snacks, and water. Long sleeves, insect repellant and sunscreen recommended.In the event of inclement weather, we have a rain date scheduled for May 22.Meet up site is at the DEC West Almond Forestry Office we will then drive over to the habitat improvement site. See the Google Maps link below.See you there! 

Jersey Hill State Forest Habitat Workday

Join the New York Chapter of BHA and New York DEC to improve wildlife habitat on a recent timber harvest in the Jersey Hill State Forest. BHA members will be working with the DEC Lands and Forests Division to create brush piles, plant seedlings and create brush cages to protect seedlings from deer browse.

To attend, volunteers must RSBP on this page and fill out the linked volunteer form and provide a copy of their ID. Please submit volunteer forms to [email protected] by May 1st.

If volunteers would like to use chainsaws for habitat improvement, they must provide a copy of their GOL certification and a copy of their up to date first aid certification.

Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own hand tools, snacks, and water. Long sleeves, insect repellant and sunscreen recommended.

In the event of inclement weather, we have a rain date scheduled for May 22.

Meet up site is at the DEC West Almond Forestry Office we will then drive over to the habitat improvement site. See the Google Maps link below.

See you there!


May 15, 2021 at 12:30pm - 3:30pm
NYDEC West Almond Forestry Office
2524 County Route 2A
Almond, NY 01480
United States
Google map and directions
Virginia Glazier ·
Erik Marschall William Harvey Michael Walsh Virginia Glazier Katherine Michalak

Who's RSVPing

William Harvey
Michael Walsh
Virginia Glazier
Katherine Michalak

Will you come?