Intro to Fly Tying & Pint Night with UMN BHA
March 19
Starting at 6pm
Lake Monster Brewing
St. Paul, MN









3 Attending

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event_title: Intro to Fly Tying & Pint Night with UMN BHA

event_time_zone: America/Chicago

event_start: March 19, 2020 18:00

event_duration: 240

event_end: March 19, 2020 22:00

event_address: 550 Vandalia St, 160, St. Paul, MN 55104, United States

event_description: Have you always wanted to learn how to tie your own flies? Maybe you are just curious about all the fun people are having getting into fly fishing? The experienced fly tiers from Bob Mitchells Fly Shop will show you how to tie up three very fishable trout flies in this two-hour class. Class starts at 6pm and runs until around 8pm at Lake Monster Brewing. All materials and tools are provided. Just show up with a good attitude and nimble hands! We will be providing this class for the first 15 people to RSVP by emailing Following the fly tying session, we will be hosting a Pint Night until 10pm. Pint Night is open to the public.

Intro to Fly Tying & Pint Night with UMN BHA

Have you always wanted to learn how to tie your own flies? Maybe you are just curious about all the fun people are having getting into fly fishing? The experienced fly tiers from Bob Mitchell's Fly Shop will show you how to tie up three very fishable trout flies in this two-hour class. Class starts at 6pm and runs until around 8pm at Lake Monster Brewing. All materials and tools are provided. Just show up with a good attitude and nimble hands! We will be providing this class for the first 15 people to RSVP by emailing [email protected]. Following the fly tying session, we will be hosting a Pint Night until 10pm. Pint Night is open to the public.

March 19, 2020 at 6:00pm - 10pm
Lake Monster Brewing
550 Vandalia St
St. Paul, MN 55104
United States
Google map and directions
Kyle Hildebrandt ·
Daniel Larson Joe Frissora

Who's RSVPing

Daniel Larson
Joe Frissora

Will you come?