Canceled: CT AFI Learn to Turkey Hunt Workshop
April 13
Starting at 10am
Sprague Rod and Gun Club
Baltic, CT









4 Attending

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event_title: Canceled: CT AFI Learn to Turkey Hunt Workshop

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: April 13, 2024 10:00

event_duration: 300

event_end: April 13, 2024 15:00

event_address: 90 Bushnell Hollow Rd, Baltic, CT 06330, United States

event_description: Connecticuts Armed Forces Initiative is hosting a Learn to Turkey Hunt Workshop in Eastern CT! Why You Should Want to Attend:Learn about BHAs Armed Forces Initiative, conservation policies in Connecticut, Wild turkey conservation management, and how to hunt turkeys in Connecticut.What is it:This Learn to Hunt event is a workshop on turkey hunting, turkey hunting regulations, biology, tracking, sign, and tactics. Participants will have access to the shotgun range in the afternoon to shoot and pattern their shotgun prior to the season. So bring your shotgun, different shotgun ammo and turkey chokes to be ready for the season.***Venison Chili and drinks will be provided by CT AFI for lunch***When is it:April 13th from 10AM - 3PM Where is it:Sprague Rod and Gun Club90 Bushnell Hollow Rd.Baltic, CT 06330 Who can attend:- This event is open to all members of the military community(Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, Veterans, and Gold Star families)- You do not need to be a BHA member to attend (but we sure would appreciate it if you were) For any questions, please contact New England AFI Liaison Cody Fongemie Come see why BHAs Armed Forces Initiative is the fastest-growing outdoor program for the military community and help bring more folks outdoors in New England.

Canceled: CT AFI Learn to Turkey Hunt Workshop

Connecticut's Armed Forces Initiative is hosting a Learn to Turkey Hunt Workshop in Eastern CT!


Why You Should Want to Attend:

Learn about BHA's Armed Forces Initiative, conservation policies in Connecticut, Wild turkey conservation management, and how to hunt turkeys in Connecticut.

What is it:

This Learn to Hunt event is a workshop on turkey hunting, turkey hunting regulations, biology, tracking, sign, and tactics. Participants will have access to the shotgun range in the afternoon to shoot and pattern their shotgun prior to the season. So bring your shotgun, different shotgun ammo and turkey chokes to be ready for the season.

***Venison Chili and drinks will be provided by CT AFI for lunch***

When is it:

April 13th from 10AM - 3PM


Where is it:

Sprague Rod and Gun Club

90 Bushnell Hollow Rd.

Baltic, CT 06330


Who can attend:

- This event is open to all members of the military community

(Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, Veterans, and Gold Star families)

- You do not need to be a BHA member to attend 

(but we sure would appreciate it if you were)


For any questions, please contact New England AFI Liaison Cody Fongemie at

[email protected]


[email protected]


Come see why BHA's Armed Forces Initiative is the fastest-growing outdoor program for the military community and help bring more folks outdoors in New England.

April 13, 2024 at 10:00am - 3pm
Sprague Rod and Gun Club
90 Bushnell Hollow Rd
Baltic, CT 06330
United States
Google map and directions
Cody Fongemie ·
Austin danalewich Jim McCutcheon Aaron Mueggenberg Rafael Vargas

Who's RSVPing

Austin danalewich
Jim McCutcheon
Aaron Mueggenberg
Rafael Vargas