Briant Wiles
Briant's journey began in Wyoming, where hunting and fishing were woven into the fabric of his family life. Ranching taught him the value of hard work and respect for working landscapes. Snow and the mountains led him to Colorado, where he fed his appetite for snowboarding while working in the ski industry. The desire to be more involved with conservation brought him to Gunnison, CO, where he was awarded a fellowship and completed a Master of Environmental Management. He has a deep passion for public lands and wildlife developed from years spent outdoors in the mountains and high deserts. He has deepened his connection to the land while managing a small ranch, working on climate research projects, doing stream restoration, and working as a fencing contractor. He has gained expertise in riparian systems and has worked to address trout habitat through projects such as irrigation improvements, in-channel and riparian restoration, nonconsumptive water assessments, and education. Working with BHA, Briant has put the sweat into fence removal and modifications and knows the impact fences have on wildlife. When not helping run his family’s business and hanging out with his two young kids, he can be found chasing elk, grouse, and waterfowl in the fall, exploring the wintertime backcountry, or hiking into a remote stream for trout. All activities are proudly done on public lands.
Contact: [email protected]