Petition: Stop the Bonander State Land Exchange in Wyoming

Who's signing

Monica Vincent
Cameron McElroy
Aaron Rutz
John Kirkendoll
Mason Irvine
Joseph Weaver
M kieffer
Mark George
Winston White
Frank Hester
Robert Doak
Zach Ahlstrom
Jeremy Sellars
jeremy D brown
jeremy D brown
Jeremy Brown
William Callahan
Alex Joyce
Zack Caldwell
Chase Higgs
Justin Hood
Marci Wiemer
Michael Gorman
Dan Hartman
Shane Schaffner
William Kuntz
James Caldwell
Jen Landry
Jp Cavigelli
Shawna Johnson
2,000 signatures

As a sportsman and public lands user, I join Wyoming Backcountry Hunters & Anglers in urging the Wyoming State Board of Land Commissioners to vote NO on the Bonander land exchange, which as proposed would result in the loss of legal public access to more than 4,200 acres in the Laramie Range. In addition, the proposed exchange would isolate more than 3,000 additional acres of prime public elk and mule deer habitat and completely eliminate one of only two access points to 10,000 additional acres of public lands in the Laramie Range. I urge the Office of State Lands & Investments to find an alternative to consolidate land in the Black Hills-Moskee area while maintaining access for public lands users.

Will you sign?