event_title: PA BHA at the Great American Outdoor Show
event_time_zone: America/New_York
event_start: February 04, 2023 07:00
event_duration: 11520
event_end: February 12, 2023 07:00
event_address: 2300 N Cameron St, Harrisburg, PA 17110, United States
event_description: Visit Backcountry Hunters and Anglers at the Great American Outdoor Show February 4 to 12 in Harrisburg, Pa. Stop by Booth 4707 all week to meet BHA members, board members and staff, talk about public lands conservation, hunting and fishing and pick up some new BHA gear (t-shirts, hats, Nalgenes and more). While youre at it, get it on membership specials and join us to help speak up for public lands and wildlife. We have three Raffle Packages for this event! Click the links below to view the packages and stop by the booth to purchase tickets!Tickets are 1 for $5 / 3 for $10 / 7 for $20Backcountry Hunter PackageDuck Hunter PackageAngler PackageWinners will be drawn on the final day of the show. Also, do not miss the Backcountry Bash with special guest BHA CEO Land Tawney Friday, February 10 right down the road at Appalachian Brewing! Click Here for details and to RSVP for the Bash.See you in Harrisburg!