event_title: Backcountry Brew
event_time_zone: America/Los_Angeles
event_start: January 06, 2024 09:00
event_duration: 120
event_end: January 06, 2024 11:00
event_address: 875 NW Brooks St, Bend, OR 97703, United States
event_description: BACKCOUNTRY BREW: COFFEE & CONSERVATIONCONNECT WITH CONSERVATION-MINDED HUNTERS AND ANGLERSBackcountry Hunters and Anglers hosts a monthly meetup to talk habitat, policy, cooking, gear, and everything else that goes with the human-powered hunting-angling-outdoors lifestyle. We’re all-around outdoorspeople happy to answer questions and share advice to help you get out in the woods no matter what level hunter, angler, or conservationist you want to be. First Saturday of the month, 9am. The Commons Cafe, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend. Free.