Alaska AFI BLM Cleanup


While Enroute to the AFI Priority landscape event on the north slope of the brooks range 10 AFI volunteers stoped to confirm the accuracy fo their rifles after the long plane/van ride and while they were there spent a few hours cleaning up trash at this well know public shooting area.


Due to the distance, the shooting area is from civilization most folks leave their targets, staples, cardboard boxes, and other trash strewn about.  AFI collected all available debris from the area (55 lbs) and hauled the garbage back to Fairbanks for proper disposal.  


For more on the Priority Landscape event please see our event blog:

About Trevor Hubbs

I grew up running hounds on coyotes and raccoons, spent a fair amount of time public land waterfowl hunting, and have hunted upland birds behind my setters across the midwest.

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