The Armed Forces Initiative of Nebraska hosts its first-ever Waterfowl Learn to Hunt Dual Skills Camp!
Nebraska AFI hosted 10 members of the military community on a learn-to-hunt event in Nebraska in December 2023.
Presented by Boss Shotshells
What is it: A Dual Skills Camp is a learn-to ______ event. Attendees will be mentored through a hunting or fishing experience from the planning phase through the post-harvest meal prep. BHA mentors will host attendees in the field talking through the ins and outs of the outdoor pursuit being taught. After the day on the water or in the field a regional expert will walk participants through how hunting and fishing affect the conservation of the region, what is the North American model of conservation, and how participants can use their voices as members of the military community to support BHA's conservation mission.
Attendees received instruction in:
Waterfowl Hunting safety
Waterfowl Identification
Waterfowl Conservation History
Conservation Struggles and Wins
How to call ducks
Types of cover and concealment
How to Decoy Ducks
How to prepare a Duck for the table
AFI Mentors took out multiple groups of hunters throughout the three-day event each providing instruction on various strategies of Waterfowl hunting so each attendee saw multiple local experts approach waterfowl in a slightly different way.
In the eventing Nebraska AFI leader taught Conservation classes on, waterfowl management, the federal Duck stamp, and how partici[ants can use their voice as veterans to help contribute to the North American Model of Wildlife conservation.
The support from Boss Shotshells was incredible, We couldn't have been able to put together this event without their generous donation."
-Dustin McKenna AFI Leader for Nebraska
"I loved the dog work, hunting and classroom time was very well done but the dog work and training piece really got me looking at picking up a bird dog and getting them to work next season"
"The combination of classroom instruction followed by time in the field was great. Watching the mentors put together a warterfowl spread of decoys matching the diagrams from the night before really brought it together for me. Also, helping in the setup and calling made it that much more impactful when I finally connected with a duck"
"I had duck hunted alot befroe the service but then took a break for the 18 years I was in the military. I had no idea the conservation efforts being made for watefowl or that they were federally managed. I always through the duck stamp was a shamless money grab by the feds, It was wonderful to learn about the history f conservation success in this country."
"what made the event for me was the camaraderie. It was so easy to fall back into the feeling of belonging you have on active duty which made the experience that much more enjoyable"
This and many more of BHA AFI Q4 events are sponsored by BOSS shot shells