Join the New Mexico Chapter of BHA and our community partners for our 2nd Annual Outdoor Gear Swap at Ex Novo Brewing. You can sell or trade your unused outdoor gear and pick up some great finds from other sellers. The swap will take place at The Corral at Ex Novo Brewing Company in Corrales on Thursday, August 3 from 5 pm - 8 Pm.
General admission: FREE & open to the public. If you are not bringing gear to sell you don't need a ticket.
Tabling Fee to Sell/Trade Gear: Reserve a table for $15 to reserve your spot to sell/trade gear. Only 1 ticket needed per family. Those tabling must provide their own cash or additional tables/racks. The tables under the shade structure at Ex Novo will be available to use but are first-come first-served. Sellers keep the proceeds from their transactions. We just want to provide a laid-back environment to buy/sell gear! ONLINE TABLING RESERVATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. EMAIL KATIE AT [email protected] TO RESERVE YOUR TABLE FOR A $15 DONATION.
This event is intended to help seasoned outdoorsmen and women clean out their camo closets while allowing those new to the hunting and fishing scene to pick up some affordable gear before hunting season. You will be in charge of displaying and selling your own items and will be able to set up your items on tables under the shade structure. Space is first come first served so you may want to bring a table just in case we run out of space. Guns, knives and bows are NOT ALLOWED and you can't bring anything you can't carry - other than that, it's fair game!
4:30 pm Arrive to set up your gear
5 pm - 7:30 pm Gear swap, conservation partner booths, raffle, cornhole, Sandos & Sandias food truck onsite
8 pm Pick up gear and head home