Williamsport, PA Pint Night
February 24
Starting at 4pm
Nippenose Tavern
Williamsport, PA









27 Attending

Add to Calendar:

event_title: Williamsport, PA Pint Night

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: February 24, 2019 16:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: February 24, 2019 19:00

event_address: 6391 State Route 654, Williamsport, PA 17702, United States

event_description: The Pennsylvania Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is teaming up with Hunters United for Sunday Hunting to host a Pint Night at the Nippenose Tavern in Williamsport on Sunday, February 24. We will be discussing ways you can get involved with ending the ban on Sunday hunting.As with all of our Pint Nights, this will be a casual, fun way to meet fellow hunters and anglers, swap stories and learn about BHA and our mission to conserve public lands and waters. Bring interested family members, friends and co-workers, too. We’ll have BHA merchandise and memberships for sale. Keep up with the Pennsylvania Chapter on Facebook and Instagram

Williamsport, PA Pint Night

The Pennsylvania Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is teaming up with Hunters United for Sunday Hunting to host a Pint Night at the Nippenose Tavern in Williamsport on Sunday, February 24. We will be discussing ways you can get involved with ending the ban on Sunday hunting.

As with all of our Pint Nights, this will be a casual, fun way to meet fellow hunters and anglers, swap stories and learn about BHA and our mission to conserve public lands and waters. 

Bring interested family members, friends and co-workers, too. We’ll have BHA merchandise and memberships for sale. 

Keep up with the Pennsylvania Chapter on Facebook and Instagram

February 24, 2019 at 4:00pm - 7pm
Nippenose Tavern
6391 State Route 654
Williamsport, PA 17702
United States
Google map and directions
Nate Fronk ·
Shelly Damiano Philip Adornato Adam Thomke Shaun Laubach Graeme Zaparzynski Josh Stewart tony wojchehoski Ryan Orgitano Jacob Cornish

Who's RSVPing

Shelly Damiano
Philip Adornato
Adam Thomke
Shaun Laubach
Graeme Zaparzynski
Josh Stewart
tony wojchehoski
Ryan Orgitano
Jacob Cornish

Will you come?