VT Chapter Wants Hunters, Anglers and Trappers to Weigh-in on Survey

thumbnail.jpgThe Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) are leading  Move Forward Together Vermont a large-scale planning process around outdoor recreation for the next five years.

This process will guide decisions around infrastructure development and policy for the outdoor recreation landscape in Vermont, so it's important for hunters, anglers and trappers to weigh-in. As a hunter, angler and/or trapper, your voice is critical to this survey as the number of questions pertaining to our sport(s) is limited within the survey. A small number of hunters, anglers and trapper typically speak up and our voices are being drowned out by other outdoor interest groups. Now, more than ever, it is important to give your feedback to ensure we have an important role in maintaining health ecosystems and abundant wildlife. In the past, the Chapter has provided feedback to policy makers on the impact to wildlife, habitat and other forest users from over-development of trail systems, as well as the positive role that hunting, angling and trapping play in conservation and in Vermont's culture and economy.  BHA believes all Vermonters will benefit from future policy that prioritizes maintaining and enhancing all Vermonter's access to quality opportunities to engage in these activities across all regions of the state. 

Please take 15-20 minutes to fill out the  Move Forward Vermont Public Survey to be sure your voice is heard! The survey will be open through March 31, 2024

About New England BHA Chapter

New England BHA is a voice for the sporting community in New England that values solitude, silence, clean and free flowing rivers, and habitat for large, wide-ranging wildlife.

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