SUCCESS: Washington BHA Helps Pass ATV Identification & Enforcement Legislation

As you know, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers continues to lead the call for better safeguards against illegal motorized habitat abuse. Whether members are helping to educate motorized users, advocating for visible identification or promoting self-policing programs, our common-sense approach to responsible motorized use is gaining attention, and results.

In Washington State, BHA members, in partnership with Trout Unlimited, recently made huge headway on this front as they helped pass legislation (HB 1632) which – in exchange for providing opportunities for improved access on some county roads – did the following:

  1. Requires all ATV’s (All-Terrain Vehicle) in Washington to obtain a highly visible license plate
  2. Eliminates the requirement for a police officer to witness illegal use, thereby allowing individuals to report irresponsible use to law enforcement and a citation to be issued based on these reports.
  3. Promotes self-policing within the motorized community
  4. Generates funds for education, safety, enforcement and maintenance

Thanks to the leadership by Washington BHA Board Member, Gregg Bufando for heading-up this successful effort, sportsmen now have more of the tools needed to ensure responsible motorized use. The success of this effort could not have also been made possible without the leadership of Trout Unlimited and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) leaders in Washington.

Don't forget that BHA offers rewards for information leading to the conviction of an illegal motorized users!


About Washington BHA

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