Today, the House passed the Great American Outdoors Act with a 310-107 vote. It now makes its way to the President's desk for a final signature. BHA members across the U.S. made their voices heard including many of our student leaders. Amid navigating summer jobs with long and odd hours, students found the time to submit videos, make phone calls, post on social media, speak on our live Crowdcast events, and most importantly call their representatives.
It's not always easy to speak up, but our voices matter. We are equipping our students with the knowledge and confidence to protect our wild places. Will you join us?
“It only takes one wade in the trout stream, a glimpse of the Grand Canyon, or experiencing the wildness of the Rocky Mountains to accept what we must safeguard as Americans. The Great American Outdoors Act will not only ensure stewardship of national treasures today; it also will allow future generations to experience our great nation’s public lands system and so much more.”
- Andrew W. Howell (President, North Carolina State University BHA college club, Raleigh)
“The Great American Outdoors Act is not a want but a need: to date every one dollar invested through this act has a return of four dollars to the economy. It will help not just nature but Americans, allowing grants for green spaces and increasing mental health. It will help replace failing bridges with new ones that can withstand future floods, improving transportation, fish habitat and water quality. It will invest in our farmers, loggers and contractors to use best management practices, restoring and maintaining the quality and value of the America’s marvelous lands.”
- Spencer Como (Vice President, Castleton University BHA college club, Vermont)
"The Great American Outdoors Act is a historic win for the American people. Full stop. It includes crucial funds to protect our public trust and put Americans to work. Open spaces are disappearing from the world, and through our collective effort, we have convinced more and more of our public servants to recognize the rich resource we can sustainably use by defending and conserving our public lands. By investing in public lands and access to those lands, we are getting more people the ability to protect and enjoy our unique heritage."
- Joe Drake (President, University of Massachusetts BHA college club)
A big shoutout to our leaders who stepped up:
Kyle Hildebrandt (University of Minnesota), Beau Badon (Mississippi State), Madeline Damon (University of Montana), Clay Colley (Auburn), Sabrina Schuler (Boise State), Tyler Coleman (Utah State), Dan Curtis (Washington State), Walker Italia (St. Michael’s), Cameron Wright (Holland), Jeffrey Edwards (University of Wisconsin Steven's Point), Spencer Como (Castleton), Joe Drake (UMass), Andrew Howell (NC State).
Live Crowdcast - Dan Curtis (Washington State University) and Tyler Coleman (Utah State University)
Live Crowdcast - Walker Italia (St. Michael's College)
Get involved. Email [email protected] to find out how.