Stop the Privatization of Wildlife in Montana

Big-moneyed interests are attempting to privatize and commercialize wildlife in Montana.

Most notably, these threats revolve around elk, but we've seen this with mountain lions, river access and more.

We saw this in the '21 Montana legislative session. 

We saw this during the '22-23 FWP season setting.

And we're now seeing it with a lawsuit filed against FWP.

Montana BHA has been fighting on behalf of hunters and anglers at every turn, and with your support, we'll continue to defend our elk hunting heritage and traditions.

But this isn't just about elk. These threats lay the groundwork to upend wildlife management as we know it. And we wont stand for it. Add your name below to the growing list of Montanans who are against the efforts to privatize our wildlife and commercialize our elk hunting.

We need all the help we can get.

Sign here to help stop the privatization of Montana’s wildlife.

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7 signatures

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