State Trust Land Access Expansion & Hunting Season Kick-Off Celebration
August 27
Starting at 5pm
Mickey's Top Sirloin
Denver, CO









38 Attending

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event_title: State Trust Land Access Expansion & Hunting Season Kick-Off Celebration

event_time_zone: America/Denver

event_start: August 27, 2019 17:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: August 27, 2019 20:00

event_address: 6950 Broadway, Denver, CO 80221, United States

event_description: STATE TRUST LAND PUBLIC ACCESS EXPANSION & HUNTING SEASON KICK-OFF CELEBRATIONThis coming Tuesday evening (8/27), join Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Colorado State Land Board, and the Colorado Department of Natural Resources in celebrating the expansion of public access to Colorado state trust lands! In the next week the State Land Board and Colorado Parks and Wildlife will announce the locations of the additional 100,000 acres of state trust land that will be newly-opened for the 2019-2020 hunting season, which kicks off on August 31st for many of us!Come learn more about the state trust land properties that will be open to hunting this season, enjoy light appetizers and drinks, play a game of bocce, thank our hard-working state agency leaders for providing us with new hunting grounds, pick up some new BHA gear, and toast to Colorado public lands with fellow public lands and outdoors enthusiasts!BackgroundOn July 18, 2019, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission unanimously approved a multi-year expansion of the Public Access Program that included up to 100,000 acres added to the program by the fall 2019 hunting season. The Public Access Program provides limited, seasonal hunting and fishing opportunities on Colorado trust land across the state. This first step in the Programs expansion increases accessible acreage from 480,000 acres to 585,000 acres and is part of a multi-year effort to ultimately double the size of the Public Access Program. The goal for the Public Access Program is to make a total of nearly one million acres of state trust land accessible to the public over the next two years.

State Trust Land Access Expansion & Hunting Season Kick-Off Celebration



This coming Tuesday evening (8/27), join Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Colorado State Land Board, and the Colorado Department of Natural Resources in celebrating the expansion of public access to Colorado state trust lands! In the next week the State Land Board and Colorado Parks and Wildlife will announce the locations of the additional 100,000 acres of state trust land that will be newly-opened for the 2019-2020 hunting season, which kicks off on August 31st for many of us!
Come learn more about the state trust land properties that will be open to hunting this season, enjoy light appetizers and drinks, play a game of bocce, thank our hard-working state agency leaders for providing us with new hunting grounds, pick up some new BHA gear, and toast to Colorado public lands with fellow public lands and outdoors enthusiasts!


On July 18, 2019, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission unanimously approved a multi-year expansion of the Public Access Program that included up to 100,000 acres added to the program by the fall 2019 hunting season. The Public Access Program provides limited, seasonal hunting and fishing opportunities on Colorado trust land across the state. This first step in the Program's expansion increases accessible acreage from 480,000 acres to 585,000 acres and is part of a multi-year effort to ultimately double the size of the Public Access Program. The goal for the Public Access Program is to make a total of nearly one million acres of state trust land accessible to the public over the next two years.
August 27, 2019 at 5:00pm - 8pm
Mickey's Top Sirloin
6950 Broadway
Denver, CO 80221
United States
Google map and directions
Brien Webster ·
Roman Lopukh Mike Mckeever Patrick Soch Travis Cashion Kendal Tagestad Aaron Dolph Jacalyn Raehl Michael Walthers Beau Gaikowski Eric Warnaar Michael Kuledge Ryan Walker Michael Scrogan John Howard Chris Arend Ryan Day Kassiopeia Smith Charlie Loan Ryan McSparran Loren Schrag Steve Eschbach Jesse Higgins George Robinson

Who's RSVPing

Roman Lopukh
Mike Mckeever
Patrick Soch
Travis Cashion
Kendal Tagestad
Aaron Dolph
Jacalyn Raehl
Michael Walthers
Beau Gaikowski
Eric Warnaar
Michael Kuledge
Ryan Walker
Michael Scrogan
John Howard
Chris Arend
Ryan Day
Kassiopeia Smith
Charlie Loan
Ryan McSparran
Loren Schrag
Steve Eschbach
Jesse Higgins
George Robinson

Will you come?