Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Sportsman's Pledge

14,922 PLEDGES
20,000 pledges

The Sportsman's Pledge

As a North American hunter and angler,

  • I pledge to speak up on behalf of conservation of the clean water, wildlife habitat, sportsman access, and public lands that belong to all of us.

  • I will defend these values against those individuals, organizations and corporations who would sell or transfer our public lands and erode our habitat, opportunity and freedoms.

  • I welcome new sportsmen and women, young and old, and will lead by example.

  • I pledge to leave our wild public lands in better condition than I found them so that future generations can enjoy the benefits we are blessed to have today.



Who's signing

Brian Schultz
Charles Forrest
Patrick Albarado
Rebecca Mehringer
John Levers
Ted H. Snyder
Luke Kirby
John Nicol
Richard Hill
Stephen Lonon
jesse harlan
Marius Heynck
Evan Prokop
Alexander Brown
Casey Jo McMillan
Bradley Gulledge
Tyler Frank
Drew LaTour
Frank Rodenbaugh
Marijo Schlecht
Christopher Brenner
Justin Kuhns
Zachary Shopene
Steve Vasquez
Hunter Huffman
Seth Gullett
Aj Groff
Brennen Cunningham
Dean Selfridge
Todd Wilmoski

Will you sign?