Saratoga Sand Plains Public Archery Range Shoot
August 23
Starting at 5pm
Saratoga Sand Plains Wildlife Management Area
Saratoga Springs, NY









6 Attending

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event_title: Saratoga Sand Plains Public Archery Range Shoot

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: August 23, 2023 17:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: August 23, 2023 20:00

event_address: 3099 NY-50, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, United States

event_description: Join us at the Saratoga Sand Plains Wildlife Management Area Public Archery Range to get those bows dusted off and chat all things bowhunting. The event at the range starts at 5:00 and we will shoot for a couple hours or so then venture down to the Henry Street Taproom after. In the event of inclement weather an email will be sent to those that have RSVP’d and we will just meet up at the Taproom at 5.There are some special rules at the range be sure to review them here beforehand. Most notable are no broadheads and those using the elevated platform MUST wear a a full body harness. This is a free event open to all, but be sure to RSVP below and do not hesitate to email any questions!See you at the range.     

Saratoga Sand Plains Public Archery Range Shoot

Join us at the Saratoga Sand Plains Wildlife Management Area Public Archery Range to get those bows dusted off and chat all things bowhunting.

The event at the range starts at 5:00 and we will shoot for a couple hours or so then venture down to the Henry Street Taproom after. In the event of inclement weather an email will be sent to those that have RSVP’d and we will just meet up at the Taproom at 5.

There are some special rules at the range be sure to review them here beforehand. Most notable are no broadheads and those using the elevated platform MUST wear a a full body harness.

This is a free event open to all, but be sure to RSVP below and do not hesitate to email any questions!

See you at the range.


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August 23, 2023 at 5:00pm - 8pm
Saratoga Sand Plains Wildlife Management Area
3099 NY-50
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
United States
Google map and directions
Brian Bird ·
Brian Bird Daniel Drumm Andrew Emrich David LaMere

Who's RSVPing

Brian Bird
Daniel Drumm
Andrew Emrich
David LaMere

Will you come?