NMBHA and NMDGF were out at the Sandias on Nov 18th helping the general public understand the importance of hunting in conservation.
Did you catch our last public outreach event? About a dozen BHA volunteers worked alongside officers from New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to educate outdoor recreationists on the importance of hunting in public spaces.
At the opening of the Sandia youth deer bow hunt, BHA educated non-hunters on the important role that the hunting public plays in Conservation. Of the over 300 contacts, many of the neutral-to-hunting public got a new understanding as why it’s important to keep hunting accessible in New Mexico. We handed out donuts, coffee and smiles; not a single negative interaction and, as always, the public is curious to find out the other side of hunting.
If you would like to be a part of this in the future, sign up for the January 13, 2024 outreach event in the Sandia foothills. This will be the start of general bow season in the Sandias. It’s always helpful to let local residents know why hunters are there and help create a positive perception of our outdoor traditions.
You can find more information and RSVP here by Wednesday, January 10.