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Karl Findling
Karl J. Findling, serves as the Central Region, Habitat Ambassador, Central Region Rep. Board of Director, for the Oregon Chapter, of BHA. He is the former Owyhee Sportsmen Coordinator, for BHA, and Lands Conservation Director for the Oregon Hunters Assoc

Recent Activity

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2017-01-05 16:09:56 -0700
“If it’s a fight they want, they’ve got one coming.” #publiclandowner @LandTawney in @FieldandStream #keepitpublic

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2017-01-03 18:44:06 -0700
As @MeatEaterTV clearly demonstrates, you don't have to be rich to #hunt your #publiclands.

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-12-31 08:56:27 -0700
Join Idaho BHA in speaking-up in defense of public ownership of wildlife.

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-12-16 18:08:16 -0700
HUGE News from Oregon! @OregonGovBrown and Land Board punt on sale of Elliott State Forest, opt to #keepitpublic

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-12-15 13:47:47 -0700
Huge crowd of #publiclandowners here to urge Wyoming elected officials to drop the land transfer constitutional ame…

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-12-12 17:22:39 -0700
We agree with Wyoming @GovMattMead - it's time to drop this land transfer nonsense and #keepitpublic

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-12-09 18:06:33 -0700
"An Inside Look at How Ordinary Citizens Saved #PublicLand" via @FieldandStream featuring WY BHA'rs #keepitpublic

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-12-09 18:06:18 -0700
We work everyday to protect moments like this. #Conservation #Hunting Photo Contest - Honorable Mention…

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-12-01 15:41:34 -0700
HUGE News! Wyoming state land board just voted down the controversial Bonander land exchange! Cheers to all who joined WY BHA in speaking up

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-11-29 17:20:23 -0700
This #GivingTuesday help BHA safeguard your 640 million acres of public lands. Help #keepitpublic here:

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-11-29 17:18:12 -0700
Oregon BHA Op-Ed: Now's the time to conserve the Steamboat Creek Watershed: #publiclands

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-11-16 20:58:45 -0700
Thank you @RonWyden and @SenJeffMerkley for working to protect the Frank Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary.…

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-11-10 09:54:30 -0700
Thank you @RonWyden @SenJeffMerkley for your work to protect this unique #Oregon backcountry landscape.…

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-11-04 15:02:37 -0600
“Negotiating at the barrel of a gun is not a rural value; that’s just intimidation." -Mark Heckert #oregonstandoff

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-11-04 11:01:36 -0600
The arrival of new air 'bow' technology is sparking some serious debate. What do you think? @OutdoorNews

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-11-03 18:21:52 -0600
"In no way do public servants deserve the kind of verbal abuse and physical intimidation reflected at #Malheur."…

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-10-28 09:31:36 -0600
Here's our take on the acquittal of the #Bundy brothers. #keepitpublic

@Packworks retweeted @Backcountry_H_A 2016-10-13 15:31:47 -0600
Petition: Stop the state of #Wisconsin from auctioning off another 1.4k acres of prime #hunting land. #keepitpublic

About Karl

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Gold Life Membership
Bend, OR
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