The Pennsylvania Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers believes that it is vital to have strong, fully-funded fish and game agencies. The work of these independent agencies is critical to all of our state’s fish and wildlife populations.
Both the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission rely on license fees for funding rather than appropriations from the General Fund. These fees come from the hunters, anglers and boaters who both value and use the resources. Hunters and anglers are proud to pay our own way. The last license fee increase for the Fish and Boat Commission took place 12 years ago. For the Game Commission it has been almost 2 decades since the cost of a license increased. These fees have not kept pace with the cost of maintaining operations.
The Pennsylvania Chapter supports legislation aimed at delegatingthe authority to these agencies to adjust their own fees. This would not be without public accountability and legislative oversight, but it would allow both of these agencies to remain strong and to continue their crucial work for Pennsylvania.