NY BHA 2024 Legislative Tracker

thumbnail.jpgPart of the responsibility of the NY BHA Chapter Board is to keep an eye on legislative proposals in the NY Legislature that potentially impact hunters and anglers.   We will do our best to keep this page updated with some specific bills we want our membership to keep an eye on and take action on. Find your NY Assembly representative HERE and NY State Senator HERE.

2024 Bills

Hunting / Fishing / Trapping

Back Tags - S8644A - Amends environmental conservation law to allow for moving to electronic licensing and tagging as well as removes requirements for back tags.  


Crossbows - S3191 / A2940 - A proposal to remove many excessive restrictions around the use of crossbows for hunting in NY.   


Leg Gripping Traps - A110 / S1619 - A proposal which would prohibit the use of leg gripping traps.  


Right to Hunt, Fish, Trap - S870 / A3348 - A proposal to amend the state constitution to guarantee the right to hunt, fish and trap for New Yorkers.  


Wolves - A08295 / S7927- A proposal to protect wolves in NY by requiring any large coyote to be DNA tested, and if determined to be a wolf, would require DEC to halt all coyote hunting in the region.   


Hunting Dogs - S5498 / A2224 - A proposed bill that would protect hunting dogs by ensuring dogs engaged in hunting or training can’t be determined to be running at large.  


Wildlife Crossing - S4198 / A4243 - A bill that directs the Department of Transportation to identify sites along all highways, thruways and parkways in the state where wildlife crossings are most needed to increase public safety and improve habitat connectivity and create a priority list of wildlife opportunity areas where federal grant monies may be available. We are in favor of this bill and encourage all of our members to reach out to your representatives in support.


Lead Ammunition Ban - S4976 / A2084 - A proposed bill to ban the use of lead ammunition on public lands in the state.  While we encourage voluntary use of non-toxic ammunition, we are opposed to this bill and encourage all of our members to reach out to your representatives to let them know you oppose.


Ammunition Tax - S5476 / A1089 - A proposed bill to add an excise tax to the sale of all ammunition in the state. 

About New York BHA

The New York Chapter is focused on bringing BHA's proven approach to conserving wild places and outdoor heritage to the Empire State. Join us to conserve our wilds!

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