Help expand hunting on National Wildlife Refuges in New York

Expand Access on Federal Lands in NY

Last month, Interior Secretary David Bernhardt proposed expanding hunting and fishing opportunities across more than 2.3 million acres at 97 national wildlife refuges and nine national fish hatcheries. If enacted, this rule will enhance our outdoor traditions and boost the nation’s $887-billion outdoor recreation economy by providing for the largest expansion of public hunting and fishing access on national wildlife refuge lands in U.S. history.  It's a big deal, and could be a big win for hunters and anglers across the country. 

The Interior Department is accepting public comments on the proposal, and it's important that we speak up now to help turn this proposal into a reality.

Click Here to make a comment now!

What does this mean for you, a NY BHA Member?  Well, here's how the rule benefits public hunting and fishing access in New York:

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge: Expand season dates for existing migratory bird, upland game and big game hunting, and expand gallinule, rail, snipe and woodcock hunting to new acres.

Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge: Open gallinule, rabbit and squirrel hunting on acres already open to other hunting, expand sportfishing to new acres, and expand season dates for existing wild turkey hunting.

Seatuck National Wildlife Refuge: Open big game hunting (white-tailed deer) for the first time.

Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge: Open wild turkey hunting on acres already open to other hunting and expand season dates for existing white-tailed deer hunting

Sounds good, right?  We think so too.  Providing more access will enable us to have and share more experiences, fulfill the drive for adventure, support local economies, and maybe even bring more hunters and anglers into the fold.  And we know that brings greater support to conservation and wildlife management.  It's a positive cycle we can count on.

Click Here to make a comment now!

If you've been to one of the above refuges, make sure that you include a personalized note on your experience in the letter template.  If you've not yet been, help yourself, as well as all the other hunters and anglers in the state, acquire some new country to tread and paddle.  Join us in supporting expanded hunting and fishing access on your public lands. 

- The NY BHA Board


About New York BHA

The New York Chapter is focused on bringing BHA's proven approach to conserving wild places and outdoor heritage to the Empire State. Join us to conserve our wilds!

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