The New England Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is dedicated to ensuring that fair chase ethics that guide hunters from coast to coast persist and continue to influence both new and experienced sportsmen and women. Consequently, we wholeheartedly oppose a bill in the Rhode Island Legislature, H5849, that would legalize the importation of big game animals like elk, wild hogs, and deer for canned hunts in shooting preserves.
In addition to contradicting generations worth of fair chase ethics, the importation of cervid species like elk and deer would increase the likelihood that chronic wasting disease (CWD) will be introduced into Rhode Island's native deer herd. CWD in Rhode Island would devastate our deer population and eliminate quality hunting opportunities for hunters across the state. Please take a minute to read our letter opposing this legislation.
Then, make sure you write your legislators using our action letter and let them know that you won't stand for this attack on Rhode Island's hunting heritage and native deer population.