Montana BHA Supports Racetrack Creek Acquisition

August 16, 2023

Lisa Timchak, Forest Supervisor
Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest
420 Barrett Street
Dillon, MT 59725


Re: Racetrack Creek 2025 LWCF-Funded Acquisition Proposal


Ms. Timchak:

On behalf of the Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and our roughly 3,000 dues-paying members, please consider the below comments outlining our support of the 131-acre Racetrack Creek acquisition.

Our members value wild places, quality habitat, public access and the fair-chase hunting and fishing opportunities these things provide. Our support for this 2025 LWCF -funded acquisition should come as no surprise as this private inholding within the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest contains roughly a mile of Racetrack Creek - a clean, cold trout stream, would prevent any future residential development, and would provide ample public access for both hunters and anglers via Racetrack Road which intersects the property that is surrounded by and adjacent to tens of thousands of acres of public lands.

This area provides quality deer, elk and moose hunting opportunities, and Racetrack Creek offers recreational fishing for native Westslope cutthroat and threatened bull trout, among other species. The winding Racetrack Creek, wetlands and willows help ensure that not only this waterway provides cool, clean water, but it provides benefits downstream, emptying into the Upper Clark Fork.

It's also a great way to consolidate land ownership in this area, something we generally support.
In closing, we greatly appreciate the Western Rivers Conservancy and their willingness to facilitate this sale/transfer to the USFS using LWCF funds, and we encourage the USFS to move forward with this opportunity.



Scott DeSena, Butte, MT
Volunteer Regional Board Member
Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

About Scott DeSena

Chasing that next adventure!!

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