I apologize but this event is full! Please review our other events you might want to attend.
Learn how to hunt barbary sheep, navigate the New Mexico desert, and discuss the impacts of invasive exotic species on New Mexico's ecosystem during a Saturday night campfire discussion.
An adventurous outing chasing after free-range barbary sheep (aoudad) in the high desert of New Mexico in Unit 34 on BLM land. Each participant will be assigned a mentor to assist them as they navigate the BLM land that is home to part of New Mexico's barbary sheep population. Participants must bring their own firearm, required licenses/permits (available online at NMDGF), food and supplies. An 8-man tent can be borrowed from Kirtland AFI if needed.
Attendees can expect to learn:
- Barbary Sheep habitat
- High Desert Ecology
- Impact of exotic species on native flora, fauna, and animals
- The impact of these animals on NM conservation efforts
- How you can use your military voice in conservation
- and more...
When is it:
January 4th 2024 starting at 4 pm
Where is it:
Unit 34
exact details will be provided to selected participants
Who can attend:
- This event is open to all members of the military community
(Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, Veterans, and Gold Star families)
- You do not need to be a BHA member to attend
(but we sure would appreciate it if you were)
For any questions, please contact AFI Liaison Joe Corrigan @
Come see why BHA's Armed Forces Initiative is the fastest-growing outdoor program for the military community and help bring more folks outdoors in New Mexico.