Kentucky BHA Collaborates with Army Corp. of Engineers on Public Lands Day!

On September 23rd, 20 members from Kentucky Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Chapter and the US Army Corps of Engineers- Louisville District, joined together to celebrate Public Lands Day for the second annual Buckhorn Lake Packout Event. During this year’s event, the focus was on the boat dock at the dam and preparing the butterfly habitat area which is a great visual for facility users. In only 2 hours, over 1200 gallons of trash was gathered and the habitat area got an impressive overhaul. 

Public Lands Day 2023 is the 3rd event within a year that KY BHA and USACE have worked in a joint venture.  The partnership between KY BHA 7th District and USACE began last year after the historic flooding in Southeastern Kentucky with a clean-up at the lake in the fall of 2022.  Earlier this summer, 25 fish habitats were built by BHA & USACE and then were distributed throughout the lake by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife.  

Both parties acknowledge the importance of working together to promote the distinct privilege of protecting public lands and waters and are looking forward to organizing future projects on USACE facilities. 
Special thanks to: Lucas Amis, Pricilla Southwood, Ricky Combs, Andrea Messer, Andrew Messer, Dwayne Shouse and Kelly Shouse with the USACE who brought their families and made this event a success. BHA is driven by dedicated and passionate volunteers! 


Thanks to 7th District KY BHA Board Member Samantha Lewis for facilitating this event and providing this content. 

About Kentucky BHA

Our chapter is dedicated to serving the interests of conservation and access to clean public lands and waters. Through planning, collaboration, and dedication, we will make a difference.

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