Kansas Volunteers Create Habitat for Lake Olathe

The Kansas Chapter of BHA teamed up with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, the Bishop Miege Fishing Club, a local Boy Scout Troop, and other individuals February 22, 2024 to build new habitat structure for Lake Olathe near Kansas City.  In total 16 people attended to build these PVC & concrete structures that will be used to turn a lake without much structure into one that has more habitat available for its fishy residents. 

The first step of the project was to cut underground conduit tubing into approximately 4 ft sections, then use concrete to cast the ends of them into a bucket.  Each bucket held six-to-eight of these “arms” of tubing.  In total, 59 of these spider-looking-structures were built and left for the concrete to cure. 

KDWP will return to the lake the following week to drop the habitat structures in clusters of six at ten different locations around the lake.  Participants of the event were given top-secret maps of the locations that these new reefs will be set.  With the lake having minimal habitat at this time, these new structures should be fantastic future fishing locations, if not great places to snag a lure!

Click Here to view the habitat map

A big thank you to all who attended as we were able to accomplish in two hours what KDWP estimated would take them 2 days.  Work like this helps to ensure we are not only improving that habitat for the species of our state, but also freeing up our biologists to do other important work.

Keep up with the Kansas Chapter of BHA on Facebook, Instagram and on the Web.




About Kansas BHA

Kansas BHA members value the freedom to hunt, fish, watch birds, trap, hike, camp, and engage in other outdoor pursuits. Our mission is to protect and preserve the few public lands and waters we have within our borders and open access to new public lands.

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