event_title: IN Fall Wild Edibles Virtual Workshop
event_time_zone: America/New_York
event_start: August 31, 2023 19:30
event_duration: 90
event_end: August 31, 2023 21:00
event_address: Indianapolis, IN, United States
event_description: New Date - August 31st! Join the Indiana BHA Chapter and Jules Erwin for foraging information about some of Indiana’s Fall Time edible plants on August 31st at 7:30pm EDT via zoom.Erwin is back to share her enthusiasm for wildflowers and wild edible plants has led to many opportunities for further study. She is a born and bred Hoosier with a master’s degree in Outdoor Recreation, serving as an adjunct professor at Indiana University, and a long history of playing and working in the outdoors.If you’ve ever had some curiosity about what you can and can’t nibble on while taking that hike in the woods during fall, join us and find out from Jules what she recommends. Your questions are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you!Please RSVP below for the ZOOM link and then spread the message of this fantastic learning opportunity!