Halsey Fence Removal
August 5
Starting at 8am
Nebraska National Forest at Halsey
Halsey, NE









3 Attending

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event_title: Halsey Fence Removal

event_time_zone: America/Chicago

event_start: August 05, 2023 08:00

event_duration: 240

event_end: August 05, 2023 12:00

event_address: Halsey, NE, United States

event_description: Join your Nebraska BHA Chapter at the Nebraska National Forest Halsey for a fence removal work project. Timing for this coincides with the Nebraska Bowhunter Jamboree. So, if you are already planning to attend the Jamboree or want to get out and experience two great organizations head out to Halsey National Forest August 3-6 for the Jamboree. Fence removal is planned for Saturday the 5th from 8am to 12 noon. Come by for the whole 4 hours or an hour if you can. The more volunteers we have the bigger impact we can make. To attend NBA Jamboree must be a member of NBA. To get your membership and see information and listing of all Jamboree events visit https://www.nebraskabowhunters.com/.

Halsey Fence Removal

Join your Nebraska BHA Chapter at the Nebraska National Forest Halsey for a fence removal work project. Timing for this coincides with the Nebraska Bowhunter Jamboree. So, if you are already planning to attend the Jamboree or want to get out and experience two great organizations head out to Halsey National Forest August 3-6 for the Jamboree.

Fence removal is planned for Saturday the 5th from 8am to 12 noon. Come by for the whole 4 hours or an hour if you can. The more volunteers we have the bigger impact we can make.

To attend NBA Jamboree must be a member of NBA. To get your membership and see information and listing of all Jamboree events visit https://www.nebraskabowhunters.com/.

August 05, 2023 at 8:00am - 12pm
Nebraska National Forest at Halsey
Halsey, NE
United States
Google map and directions
Adam L ·
Preston Maas Zane Dady

Who's RSVPing

Preston Maas
Zane Dady

Will you come?