Duck Box Installation Day
August 26
Starting at 10am
Waywayanda Lake at California Hill State Forest
Carmel Hamlet, NY









12 Attending

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event_title: Duck Box Installation Day

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: August 26, 2023 10:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: August 26, 2023 13:00

event_address: 170 Waywayanda Ct, Carmel Hamlet, NY 10512, United States

event_description: Join New York Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA) and Hunters of Color (HOC) Saturday, August 26th at 10am to install wood duck boxes at California Hill State Forest in Putnam County. We built 12 duck boxes in March at the Filson NYC store and now we want your help installing them at Waywayanda Lake! With your help, we’ll provide critical nesting habitat and get hands-on conservation experience. This is a free, inclusive event. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Attendees should be sure to bring sunscreen, bug spray, work gloves and optionally, waders (if you have them).Important - Attendees will be required to fill out/sign a DEC Volunteer Stewardship Agreement form in advance and send to to be authorized to volunteer on DEC land.

Duck Box Installation Day

Join New York Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA) and Hunters of Color (HOC) Saturday, August 26th at 10am to install wood duck boxes at California Hill State Forest in Putnam County. We built 12 duck boxes in March at the Filson NYC store and now we want your help installing them at Waywayanda Lake! With your help, we’ll provide critical nesting habitat and get hands-on conservation experience. This is a free, inclusive event. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. 

Attendees should be sure to bring sunscreen, bug spray, work gloves and optionally, waders (if you have them).

Important - Attendees will be required to fill out/sign a DEC Volunteer Stewardship Agreement form in advance and send to [email protected] to be authorized to volunteer on DEC land.

August 26, 2023 at 10:00am - 1pm
Waywayanda Lake at California Hill State Forest
170 Waywayanda Ct
Carmel Hamlet, NY 10512
United States
Google map and directions
Greg Whalin ·
Andrew Pelletier Albert Phaneuf Timothy Clark Andrea Mahee Aaron Mueggenberg Gregory Whalin

Who's RSVPing

Andrew Pelletier
Albert Phaneuf
Timothy Clark
Andrea Mahee
Aaron Mueggenberg
Gregory Whalin

Will you come?