DIY – Binocular Harness – By Kurt Holmes

Here is a great alternative to those bulky binocular harnesses.  Approximate cost is less than $5. 


Materials Needed: 

6-7’:  1/8” shock chord (bungee chord)

2pcs: Size #1 Barrel Swivel. 

2pcs: Split Rings (aka Keychain rings). 

2pcs: Small Zip Ties


Step 1 – Add the swivels to the chord


Step 2: Tie tag ends together with an overhand knot.

Step 3:  Create 2 loops and tie off with an overhand knot.  (Make sure you have a swivel in each loop)

Step 4:  Attach to binoculars using the split rings (keychain rings) and zip ties.

Step 5 – Try them on for size.  You can adjust the size of the harness by moving or adding to your overhand knot


About Kurt Holmes

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